Thursday, January 12, 2017

Guest lecture: Dr. Nicole Perry, "Adventure on the South Seas: Christian Kracht's 'Imperium' and the Real August Engelhardt"

 English version below

Zeit und Ort: 17.01.2017 um 16:15 Uhr im GW2, Raum B3010
Titel des Gastvortrags: "Adventure on the South Seas: Christian Kracht's 'Imperium' and the Real August Engelhardt"
Christian Kracht’s 2012 blockbuster Imperium highlights Germany’s imperial legacy in the South Pacific and has awakened a new interest in the former German colonies of the South Pacific. His protagonist, the delicate but driven August Engelhardt, a character one could only believe to be a creation of fiction, is based on the founder of the ‘Coconut Cult’.
Kracht writes of a Germany driven by excess and greed, which he juxtaposes with Engelhardt and his desire for an alternative lifestyle. This presentation examines Kracht’s imperial critique and introduces the real August Engelhardt, writer of A Carefree Future (1898), advocate of a coconut diet and sun worship, whose lifestyle and person was in stark contrast to that of the Wilhelminian German of the late 19th Century.
Vortragende: Dr. Nicole Perry, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Nicole Perry is a Lecturer in German at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She is also co-director of the Research Centre for Germanic Connections in New Zealand and the South Pacific. After completing her PhD at the University of Toronto in Germanic Languages and Literatures, Nicole was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Vienna. She is currently a Lise Meitner Programme fellowship holder based at the University of Vienna for her project  ‘Performing Germanness, Reclaiming Aboriginality’, which discusses North American Indigenous reexaminations of the German ‘Indianer’ image. 

Where and when: January, 17th 2017 at 04:15 p.m. in GW2, B3010
Title of the Guest lecture: "Adventure on the South Seas: Christian Kracht's 'Imperium' and the Real August Engelhardt"
Christian Kracht’s 2012 blockbuster Imperium highlights Germany’s imperial legacy in the South Pacific and has awakened a new interest in the former German colonies of the South Pacific. His protagonist, the delicate but driven August Engelhardt, a character one could only believe to be a creation of fiction, is based on the founder of the ‘Coconut Cult’.
Kracht writes of a Germany driven by excess and greed, which he juxtaposes with Engelhardt and his desire for an alternative lifestyle. This presentation examines Kracht’s imperial critique and introduces the real August Engelhardt, writer of A Carefree Future (1898), advocate of a coconut diet and sun worship, whose lifestyle and person was in stark contrast to that of the Wilhelminian German of the late 19th Century.
Biographical brief Dr Nicole Perry, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Nicole Perry is a Lecturer in German at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She is also co-director of the Research Centre for Germanic Connections in New Zealand and the South Pacific. After completing her PhD at the University of Toronto in Germanic Languages and Literatures, Nicole was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Vienna. She is currently a Lise Meitner Programme fellowship holder based at the University of Vienna for her project  ‘Performing Germanness, Reclaiming Aboriginality’, which discusses North American Indigenous reexaminations of the German ‘Indianer’ image.