In the class “Studying and Working with Indigenous Films in North America” (WiSe 2015/16) Prof. Kerstin Knopf and Bremen students translated and subtitled the documentary Highway of Tears (dir. Matt Smiley) for screening at the Indianer Inuit: Das Nordamerika Filmfestival in Stuttgart 2016.
We also watched and assessed ten submitted documentary films and selected the award winner in the category “Best Documentary Film.” As a highlight of the class, we travelled to Stuttgart, participated in the film festival and presented the award to the filmmakers of the award winner (SOL, dir. Marie-Hélène Cousineau and Susan Avingaq).
Festival report by Liv Oster (scroll down).
Report in Bremer Uni-Schlüssel by Angelika Rockel with Nani Stelling.