Friday, November 9, 2018

INPUTS Bremer Denkanstöße

An invitation to an event within the theme semester Global Cotton organized and moderated by Prof. Kerstin Knopf, chair of the Postcolonial Literary and Cultural Studies:

Reihe: INPUTS Bremer Denkanstöße
„Versklavung für Baumwolle: INPUTS liest aus Sven Beckerts King Cotton
13.11.2018, 18 Uhr, Bremer Baumwollbörse, Wachtstraße 17-24, 28195 Bremen
kritische Lesung und Diskussion von Auszügen aus Kapiteln 2, 4 und 5
Moderatorin: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf (U Bremen)
Mitwirkende: Deborah Nyangulu (U Münster), Dr. Sukla Chatterjee (U Bremen), Dr. Detlev Quintern (FSMV U Istanbul), Prof. Dr. Gisela Febel (U Bremen)

Alle sind herzlich eingeladen!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

New member of Postcolonial Literary and Cultural Studies

Dr. Sukla Chatterjee joined the team of Postcolonial Literary and Cultural Studies as a Postdoctoral Researcher on November 1st.

Sukla's areas of interest include Comparative literature, Literary theories, Colonial and postcolonial literature, Body, gender, sexuality, and emotions, Women’s writings, and Colonial relations between Bengal and Britain.

Starting in the next semester, she will also offer classes in the English-Speaking Cultures BA program.

Welcome to Bremen, Sukla! 

Postcolonial Movie Nights: Spotlight on the Arctic

Postcolonial Movie Nights in winter semester 2018/2019
All welcome!